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Stumpt Rik Plays - War of the Monsters - #1 - The Big Guns (Story Mode Gameplay)
Stumpt Rik Plays - War of the Monsters - #2 - Double Dragon
Stumpt Rik Plays - War of the Monsters - #4 - Cerebulon
Stumpt Rik Plays - War of the Monsters - #3 - Monster Heaven
Stumpt Throwback Thursday - War of the Monsters - Tournament Part 1
Stumpt Throwback Thursday - War of the Monsters - Tournament Part 2
War of The Monsters Retro Commercial Trailer 2003 SCEA
War of the Monsters with Zathos Part 1: Monkeeeeey Verrrsusss Roooooobooooot!
Let's Play War of the Monsters P1: Winning While Loosing | PHANTOMSAVAGE
Let's Play: War of the Monsters part 1
War of the Monsters - episode 7: Finale
Fun With: War Of The Monsters